My great friend Blue from a million moons ago is always manifesting some innovative ish! Many find in times like these, reasons to fear, I choose love & alchemy as my strong solution. When she reached out about this challenge created by her and Kahnma, I immediately thanked the heavens to be so beautifully connected to such light beings knowing exactly what we need and when to illuminate.
Painstakingly true, you can fight to hold on to your old Life, but you know deep down, you can’t waste much more time.
Well, actually, you can, but you will not, because there are some doors you must not enter again. How can two walk together, unless they agree right? So instead, you will the old, all the Love, Peace and Joy You can muster. Send it on Wings of Angels to be delivered in Abundance, from all places and faces they encounter instead. This is true love. To have the will to connect, but allowing life to love those you love in the way It sees best. Not my will, but the will of The Most High be done. Knowing that I Am the Universe, and not just an Individual. It must always be about the Whole. For only the Whole is My Soul, Everything else is just a Fragment...
I’ve spent Lifetimes, within this Lifetime, striving to find the Peace I finally experience within myself. For the world with its all its wealth and pleasantries, could never fully quench the thirst in me. I go within to heal the programing of my psyche that says “you are not enough”. I fight the fears, rebuke the shame, Love cleanse my heart, I change my name. Looking forward to bliss again. I claim it, now here. Let Love steer. Forgive. water. Taking moments to thank Past, now Back, Fast Forward, Live and Laugh and Love again and again, and again, overflowing.”
This is an excerpt from my book Feel Think Become released March 20, 2020. When the first mainstream notice was given about Covid 19, I was on a train to NOCO to visit friends and full of inspiration to do something more. Back to the Midwest, after NOCO for a few weeks, I spent time with family and wow was the entire experience so healing! I was able to meet loved ones I have always wanted to know but now time granted sweet reunion & my inner child was so grateful.
Cultivating love, and doing the shadow work needed when dealing with trauma, I uncovered wounds, applied needed pressure and allowed the cleansing power of faith-in-action to propel my new found thinking. As crazy as it seemed on the surface, life has taught me to trust myself and know that the universe really does conspire to assist.
I find in times of great challenge, that creative expression helps with grounding and asked myself deeply “How Can I Best Serve?” Sure I published a book written years before during one of the most trying times of my life. This book however had become the closure to all I had known and no longer would again, and that was a bittersweet reality. I exhaled after completing the mission of uploading words that at one time had saved my very mind from insanity. I mourned the loss of old friendships, dreams that had been released, disappointment of what no longer was and shed tears for those who no longer could cry.
With worldwide crisis, increased fears and mental illness all around, striving to “stay lit” has never been more of a challenge. As a Creatrix of the Healing Arts, I wanted to provide tools, products, & services to empower while practicing self-care simultaneously. No matter how dark the night, our souls are created to shine brightly and persevere through all experiences. When great loss and tragedy occur, I feel it is our divine right to call upon the Angels found in unseen as well as human form.
I remembered a few years before, a private experience I would host with close acquaintances. I remembered the energy of what was co-created and decided to sculpt it into what I knew it could now be. In between creating new visual art, editing audios, designing apparel, herbal blending, and graphic design, I rested and meditated. Meditation has become more than deep breathing lotus style, but is in fact, more of a lifestyle and mindstate. As much as I pray, I am reminded of the power of listening and so I get still. Always an empath, I can feel the energy of loved ones, our nation, antagonists & other starseeds and balancing it all remains so essential.
It is easy to simply react, but wisdom has shown me that patience is the great preventer. To increase strong revival and prevent lack of awareness, I adopted a lazer-like focus on Lit SocieTea and it’s rebirth. Lit SocieTea is a collective of Mystics, Shamans, Oracles, Herbalists, & Creatives I have encountered along the path. Our love for Nature, Herbs, Esoteric Studies, and Literature connects us greatly as we strive to collectively shift higher, heal and activate within our communities. A digital haven that leads to more bliss, loving vibrations and high frequencies that assist us all in becoming. I pray that every video, herbal blend, magical tool and service shared can help in some way to all who choose to tune in.
So, this is my service, this is my passion. I am using this time during Covid 19 to share more of my gifts and speak for those who are voiceless. Wisdom, Wealth, Tribe, Creativity and Vitality is part of our Soul Privilege and I do not feel that any man, government or pandemic can eliminate our ability to choose life more abundantly. Updated daily with opportunities, mystical services, the arts, style and holistic jewels, please stay connected. I am so open to collaborations with like-vibes and excited to come out of “hibernation”. It is time for illumination as we build bridges that lead to collective awakenings.